Surprising is the sentiment that sisterhood brings
To a life once thought to be full.
It turns out that the sister-less are, after all
Without a love most pure and wonderful.
A sister-in-law, to be clearer just here,
Is an especially delightful kind.
Born from the love of the love of her life
And the blind puppy love that began mine;
Matured through the freedom to laugh and to cry
At said love, both with him and without.
But it doesn’t stop there, no one is safe
For she knows my family inside and out.
This gift and small curse she bears gracefully
Though perhaps I’ve been sort of short-sighted.
Maybe sisters aren’t always so perky and fun,
Pretty, witty, clever and open-minded.
I do know Jen though, with her warm eager eyes,
Inquisitive and mischievous smile.
She’s been the best sister I could possibly have
Invariably, through life’s greatest trials.
I hope to be as strong, sweet and patient as her,
For all of the rest of my days.
So with eternal love, humility and gratitude
I wish her the best of birthdays.